New Beginnings
I have been telling myself lately that I have been too busy to write a post. The more I dwell on sitting down to commit a couple hours to conjure up something relatable to you readers, the easier it is to come up with excuses. So, I sincerely apologize for the delay. In all honestly, after the holidays, the truth of sheer reality hit me like a truck with my energy subsequently sucked elsewhere. Whether it be work at the hospital, or planning my future, I have severely lacked in focusing on the preset. The polarity of holiday time and coming back to work is sometimes hard to adjust to,…
Dreams are enchanting. Dreams are enchanting because the pure creativity of dreams are incomprehensible. I constantly wish that I could project the beauty and flawlessness of imagined landscapes, relationships, and conflicts. I also wish that I could relive the raw feelings, both dreadful and ecstatic, as these feelings are unhindered by the outside world. After waking up, I sometimes long for the interconnectedness present in my dreams that I sometimes lose during my day to day life. I miss that in my dreams, I can fly, I can travel through multiple realms, and that I can understand animals. This magical world where everything is one seems most attainable through dreaming. …