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Dreams are enchanting.

Dreams are enchanting because the pure creativity of dreams are incomprehensible. I constantly wish that I could project the beauty and flawlessness of imagined landscapes, relationships, and conflicts. I also wish  that I could relive the raw feelings, both dreadful and ecstatic, as these feelings are unhindered by the outside world. 

After waking up, I sometimes long for the interconnectedness present in my dreams that I sometimes lose during my day to day life. I miss that in my dreams, I can fly, I can travel through multiple realms, and that I can understand animals. This magical world where everything is one seems most attainable through dreaming. 

It is interesting that for centuries, philosophers, psychologists,  and  shamans have come up with a myriad of interpretations for dreams. Dreams are awfully complex so I would like to think there is no simple explanation. Dreams cannot simply be a suppression of desired wishes that are unacceptable to society (Freud’s dream theory). Dreams also cannot be just an interpretation of brain signals in the limbic system, especially signals triggered in the amygdala and hippocampus (activation-synthesis model of dreaming).

So… there has to be some greater underlying meaning to dreams. Perhaps dreams are a reflection of a parallel universe I could be living in or even a past life memory. 

So far, I have only mulled over my fascination and love for dreams. I just wanted to note that this doesn’t mean that I do not love my life and the reality I live. I just love to go on thought tangents about the meaning of dreaming, and hopefully one day I can finally understand why we dream. Perhaps that will only be attainable many lives from now. 

But for now, I have figured out a way to “relive” my dreams. Several months ago, I started a dream journal and I thought it would be interesting to share some of my dreams below- I hope you enjoy them 🙂 

Electromagnetic power:

I have titled this dream “Electromagnetic power” because this dream revolves around a made up computer lab, supposedly a computer lab at Bowdoin College. In this dream, I was reluctant to do my assigned computer work for some science class I was taking. As I was sitting down to begin my assignment, a male student walked in and sat next to me. I couldn’t continue with my work because he had, what I like to call, a electromagnetic super power, where he could telepathically control the computer screens. He started changing the screen savers, and images of screen savers flashed frantically on all the computer screens in the lab until there was a static blackout (perhaps this dream was a reflection of my underlying desire to never do science lab work EVER AGAIN). 

Tethered dog:

In this dream, I was at some outdoor event surrounded by music and grass. I was talking to friends but was constantly distracted by a tugging on my ankle. I soon found out that I was tethered by an invisible string to a 2 year old Australian Shepard located miles away (Australian Shepards have been my dream dog for YEARS). This dog had a beautiful spotted brown and black coat and he could understand everything I was saying. He was loyal, cute, and funny and I couldn’t help but think what I would do about keeping this dog in my tiny studio apartment in Boston (I like to think this dreams is telling me to get a dog!).

Magic memory stone:

I somehow obtained a bright magic stone that was full of powerful energy.  It was attached to a gem on my feather earring and was a similar size to the resurrection stone in Harry Potter. People were chasing me for this stone as it had the power to eradicate all evil in the world. I was even being tricked by friends to give up the stone. One chase scene I particularly remember was a scene of a Bowdoin student chasing me on an endless row of massive dandelion trampolines. This stone also had the power of memory and its memory could be tracked so I had to wear a mask to hide my identity (the theme of being chased has appeared in a majority of my dreams that I have recorded in my dream journal- maybe that means something). 

Thank you for reading my blog and continuing to follow me through my self expression.

Love always,
