Published Posts

New Beginnings

I have been telling myself lately that I have been too busy to write a post. The more I dwell on sitting down to commit a couple hours to conjure up something relatable to you readers, the easier it is to come up with excuses. So, I sincerely apologize for the delay. In all honestly, after the holidays, the truth of sheer reality hit me like a truck with my energy subsequently sucked elsewhere.  Whether it be work at the hospital, or planning my future, I have severely lacked in focusing on the preset.

The polarity of holiday time and coming back to work is sometimes hard to adjust to, especially with the exciting, blissful, and carefree attitude of the holidays that further polarizes the spectrum. Throughout my mere 23 years of life, I have tried to be mindful of succumbing to post-holiday blues. I absolutely fell victim to post holiday blues this time around and I am finally brave enough to reflect on why, this year, I couldn’t avoid it! Instead of listing those reasons here, I would love to shift the focus to what I can change, and thankfully that beautifully aligns with new year resolutions!

I am hoping these new year resolutions will help me stay centered and transfer my energy to complete happiness, pleasure, self-love, and kindness.

  • I am sensitive to the impact of words. Words have the power to drive intention and mood, so throughout each and every day, I will switch thoughts around in my head, making negative thoughts neutral or positive. Dreading a busy day or complaining of what might be has been something that has recently drained my energy starting from the minute I wake up. For example, instead of reality hitting me like a truck, I will let reality be the core of epiphanies, new beginnings, and new discoveries. I will let reality drive my openness and curiosity.


  • Keep blogging! It is funny to think that when I first started to blog, I told myself I would post twice a week about ANYTHING I wanted. To do that, I genuinely had to banish all fears of judgement. Two posts a week was not attainable because of work and stark laziness. What seems more attainable is to blog when I want to but to keep doing it. I want to be tantalized by the excitement of what I can be writing, not to dread blogging twice a week every week. I usually am great with schedules, but to limit myself to rigidity for something so free flowing is a joke. Blogging is my self fulfillment, my authenticity, my journal- and because of the raw essence of blogging, it is my method to reflect when I want and to just be.


  • Be a yogi. Besides the numerous yoga sessions weekly, I want to make sure every movement and breath has intention. In order to maximize the benefit of yoga, I have decided to get my teacher yoga certification, which will allow me to grow, teach, and understand the philosophy of yoga. Unfortunately, I have struggled to find programs that are not commercialized or westernized by the pretty yoga outfits and picture perfect poses. However, to get to where I want to be, I have to do a teacher training that will get my foot in the door to make my practice as authentic as it can be. I will one day be able to tailor my practice to embody me.


  • Make compassion the mantra of my life. I don’t think this needs a long explanation other than to live with compassion, help others embrace compassion, and never forget about compassion!


  • Strive for complete mental and physical bliss- to stay healthy by loving my thoughts and my body; to be confident about next steps and not to doubt myself!


  • Call my family more often, inform them with what I have fallen in love with and not be afraid to be vulnerable.


The above resolutions are ones I thought were worth sharing, so thank you for reading about what my 2019 may bring!

To contrast the cacophony of thoughts after reading EVERYTHING above, below is a little album of my holiday (Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand)- and hopefully you will understand why I gave into the post holiday blues.

Peace and love always,
